Meditation Fundamentals

Meditation is about optimizing yourself so that you make the right moves, say the right things, and think the right thoughts at the right time. It’s a foundational practice that clears the mind so you can be you. We all have something we need to improve upon, meditation helps us make the improvements. The cool thing is that it all comes from within you. You are the driver and the one who decides. Meditation clears the path so you can make the best choices for yourself. This is not self-help, this is self-development. Not in the sense that you’re building yourself up, but in the sense that you are developing your awareness and compassion. It’s a great way to cultivate space and openness within. If practiced correctly, It can be the tool that helps us be more present.

To do this without overthinking is what makes this practice tricky. It takes a lot of discipline and mental relaxation to master this practice and I want to support you through this journey.

I have worked with a meditation coach, Cayce Howe, so I know the value of working one on one or in a small group. Working with someone that knows how it feels to learn this practice makes a huge difference. It’s a heart-opening experience that will open the door to your wildest dreams and most real Self. I have cried over the phone with Cayce simply because I was doing the work. It is in doing, that gives us the most profound and heart-opening experiences.

Things we will cover…

  • What is meditation

  • What is mindfulness

  • How to practice

  • Recognizing mind chatter and how to handle it

  • Analyzing thoughts and emotions

  • Using the breath

  • Meditation concepts (wisdom, compassion, non-grasping, impermanence, suffering, emptiness, four foundations of mindfulness, four highest emotions, non-attachment)

  • Hindrances

  • Specific meditations

If this resonates with you and if you would like to study and practice meditation, let’s have a 15-minute discovery call so we can get to know each other.

This is on a sliding scale so if you have the means to pay more please do so. If money is the only thing stopping you from starting, schedule a call and we will work it out.

  • 45 mins ($60 - $150)

  • 4 pack ($240 - $480)

Meditation books I recommend…

  • Training The Mind by Chogyam Trungpa

  • Meditation in Action by Chogyam Trungpa

  • Zen Mind, Beginners Mind by Shunryu Suzuki

  • The Heart of Meditation by The Dalai Lama

  • Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

  • Satipatthana: The Direct Path to Realization by Ven. Analayo