Welcome to your sound journey.

If you are at all interested in sound and how to work with it as a modality for relaxation, inner peace, and clarity you are in the right spot. My sound journeys are experiential and deeply relaxing. The primordial sounds of the didgeridoo take you into the depths of your being and the sound of the gong lifts your soul to the cosmos. It is an amazing experience and can be life-changing.

Below are the different Sound Bath Meditation experiences I offer along with an explanation of what each sound bath is. If you have questions feel free to reach out to me and if you are ready to book a session send me a text and I will get you on the schedule. I look forward to meeting and working with you.

  1. Elemental Sound Bath

    Mainly crystal instruments, chimes, handpan, and gongs. The didgeridoo will be played but won’t be the main focus. This experience has higher tones and is more angelic. This is a 75-minute experience.

    $250 - $450 (3-20 people) $150 - $350 (1-2 people). The price depends on the number of people and location.

  2. Primordial Sound Bath

    The main instruments are the gongs and didgeridoo. This is a deeper-toned soundscape that can be mysterious and reminiscent of ancient times. Bird whistles, chakapas, frog rasps, and rattles create a primordial sound experience that is intriguing and relaxing. 75 minutes.

    $250 - $500 (3-25 people) $150 - $350 (1-2 people)

  3. Sound Creation

    The full collection of instruments is used during this 90-minute session. This is for those willing to go extra deep and want the full experience of all the instruments. My goal is to make this the most epic sound journey you ever go on. 90 minutes. $350 - $600 (3-25 people) $250 - $450 (1-2 people)

What is a Sound Bath

A sound bath is a practice of listening deeply. Sound helps bypass the mind so you can connect directly to your energy and inner peace. It’s a practice of self awareness. This is a unique opportunity to relax and surrender. The sound is played in a way that tells a story. We enter different worlds of sound as transitions happen and the practice builds to its peak. The different instruments are meant to evoke different sensations and experiences so as a listener you want to be as present as possible. Being very present is important in this practice. You have to allow yourself to have an experience and we do that by quieting the mind and surrendering. A sound bath is a great practice to stay completely relaxed yet wide awake. Most people fall asleep when they keep relaxing but during a sound bath the more you relax the more aware you want to become of listening, feeling, and observing. The brainwaves actually slow down to the alpha (relaxed or sleepy), theta (light sleep), and even delta (deep sleep) frequencies. It is a profound experience to be completely relaxed and totally aware. A sound bath is immersive as if you are in a sea of sound becoming one with the universal sounds of creation. This is my approach, and every practitioner is unique.

What to expect

Once you get set up and are comfortable I start by introducing myself. I talk a little about the main instruments. I cover how to approach a sound bath and why we do them. Lastly, we talk about the intention of the sound bath experience. You will have time to set your personal intention as well. We take a few deep breaths and I walk you through a gentle meditation. Sometimes sents like palo santo and nagchampa are used and I often walk around with instruments to give a more personal experience. With permission, instruments can be played very close and even on you.

The beginning is typically crystal wands, bowls, chimes, and high vibrational instruments. I find these instruments to be very pleasant and calming. I like to use tuning forks, tingsha’s, flumies, bells, and Tibetan bowls. We are slowly calming ourselves down and opening to the sound. We notice if mental chatter begins and we calmly come back to the sound.

There will be a transition into another set of instruments and we enter the primordial sounds of nature. Here we will experience the didgeridoo, rain stick, frog rasp, bird whistle, and khomus. One of my favorite instruments is the didgeridoo and I have two handcrafted eucalyptus didgeridoos from Australia, a travel didge and a PVC didge.

You might be wondering when the gongs come in and my friends the wait has been worth it. We have also been preparing our mind, body, and soul for the vibrations of the gongs. It is like receiving a cellular massage and the more you let go, listen, and breathe the more experiential it will be. The Wu Xing is a 40” gong from Meinl. It is rare to hear a 40” gong and this is one of the most spectacular gongs I have played. The Mercury gong from Paiste is deep sounding and has the classic Paiste shimmer. It’s a gorgeous gong and both the Wu Xing and Mercury complement each other very well. It was actually the combination of the two that pushed me to get the Wu Xing.

The last part of our journey includes the handpan, shruti box, and ocean drum. This is a gentle way to finish the practice and deepen our connection to inner peace and stillness. We will lay in silence for a few minutes and enjoy the stillness. We will take a few deep breaths and find some gentle stretches. You will have time to wake back up and feel grounded. I typically open it up for anyone to share their thoughts or experience. I find it beneficial to hear each other’s experiences or insights, I know I have learned a lot from listening to others after a sound bath.

How to approach a sound bath

There are many approaches to a sound bath, but here are a few things to consider. First, it can be a very relaxing experience. When we surrender each thought, movement, and urge to do something, we relax and recognize how open and spacious our mind can be, not clinging to anything. There is a sense of freedom and openness, we may even feel at peace or in harmony with our environment. When the mind gets lost in thought or distracted we gently bring our focus back to the breath and the sound. This open and non-grasping approach cultivates space within. For new energy and ideas to emerge there must be space in the mind and body. Cultivating space in a formless meditation with sound will allow for the seed of something new to sprout. It’s up to you if you want to follow it.

The other approach is for those looking to go on a soul journey inspired by sound and vibration. We all respond to sound differently and it can evoke memories, feelings, sensations, clarity, and peace. When the mind is open and clear we can experience universal connection and peace without thought. We lose the feeling or experience when we try and control or analyze it, so the idea is to stay open and observe. It’s as if a movie is playing from within and you're there to observe it. The more you let go and surrender, with as little effort as possible, the easier the experience can unfold. This is a practice and over time it becomes easier to experience your own energy and vibration with ease and compassion.

Both approaches will reset your energy and mindset. The purpose of a sound bath is to listen deeply and be present. This helps us get out of the head and into the body. This is an inward journey and it can be a profound experience for some of us. It will bring you into a more peaceful and harmonious state. These are just a few reasons to meditate with sound. I encourage you to continue exploring the world of sound, it’s an endless study that offers so much insight.

My collection of instruments and the benefits of Sound

My sound baths tell a story culminating with the gongs and didgeridoo. I use many other instruments that oftentimes have a more profound effect than the gong and didgeridoo. I find the gongs and digeridoo to be deep tones that take us to deep places within. Relaxation happens in layers and the more we get used to relaxing with such deep tones the more the vibrations can release tension, anxiety, and emotions.

A lot of my instruments mimic the sounds of nature which produce vibrations similar to nature's vibrations. This is the vibration of peace, harmony, and life, and it creates beautiful patterns in nature. We are vibrating our bodies, and cells into a more harmonious and beautiful state when we receive these sounds and vibrations. We are matching our vibration and frequency to nature and it feels good. A sound bath with these instruments can be profound and often times people have experiences that encourage their growth and evolution.

I play multiple instruments to create a tonal wave of sound that is completely immersive.

  • Gongs

  • Didgeridoo’s

  • Crystal Instruments

  • Handpan

  • Tuning Forks

  • Himalayan Bowls

  • Shruti box

  • Ocean Drum