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Energizing, Relaxing, Healing

If I had to choose one practice to do, it would be breathwork. Breathwork brings about more awareness and is the buffer we need to not get lost in anxiety and stress. We have been using the breath for thousands of years to reset our energy and fuel our bodies. The breathwork techniques I teach are yoga breathing techniques also known as Pranayama. These are specific exercises that can be calming or energizing.

Techniques you will Master

What you will learn is how to listen to yourself so that you choose the appropriate technique then we will practice together. Working with another person will encourage you to continue the work and you will have the support to let go and feel the breath. We will have time to debrief and integrate the experience. Breathwork is the perfect time to go deep and transcend the monkey mind. Every time we do breathwork we build our mindfulness muscle and the more resilient and joyful we become.

The techniques I use and teach are…

  • Complete breathing

  • Box breathing

  • Connected breathing

  • Breath retention

  • Kapalabhati pranayama

  • Nadi Shodhana alternate nostril breathing

  • Two part pranayama

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